Color Code for  N2 L4 Vulva   Series from MRC

Prints are dated 11/89 and run from print # -40 to print #330


Interpreted by DHH & RL, April 2006, cf. left side view of nuclei diagram of 1989


Somatic germline cells are almost all born, but immature (may still be missing a few cells in ut1 and utse groups?).  Uterus is not yet inflated, and utse membrane still intact between uterine lumen and vulval passageway. Vulva is partially open.  Vulval muscles and uterine muscles present, but show rather sparse myofilaments yet. Did not identify the AC cell among the various utse cells.  Vulval cuticle is irregular.


Germ cells are mostly not visible here; held back as immature spermatocytes inside gonad sheath, and no oocytes evident within the series.


Regional codes for cell groups

A         ut4, uterine epithelium (syncytium)

B          ut 3, uterine epithelium

C         ut 2, uterine epithelium

D         ut1 and du, uterine epithelium

E          ut1 and du, uterine epithelium

F          ut2, uterine epithelium

G         ut3, uterine epithelium

H         ut 4, uterine epithelium

I           spermathecal valve syncytium

J           core cells

K         spermathecal epithelium

L          spermathecal epithelium

M         spermathecal epithelium

N         spermathecal epithelium

O         spermathecal epithelium

P          spermathecal epithelium

Q         spermathecal epithelium

R          spermathecal epithelium

S          spermathecal epithelium

T          spermathecal epithelium

X         um2, uterine muscle

Y         um2, uterine muscle


Vulval muscles

1          vm2R  

2          vm1R

3          vm2L

4          vm1L

5          vm2R

6          vm1R

7          vm2L

8                    vm1L


Vulval epithelium

A         vulA

1          vulA

2          vulB1

3          vulB2

4          vulC

5          vulD

6          vulF

7                    vulE


Uterine cells

1          ut3, uterine epithelium   [prints -20 to 20]

2          ut3, uterine epithelium   [prints -20 to 20]

3          ut3, uterine epithelium   [prints -20 to 20]

4          um2R, uterine muscle

5          um2L, uterine muscle

6          um2R, uterine muscle

7          ut2, uterine epithelium              

8          um2L, uterine muscle

9          ut2, uterine epithelium              

10        ut2, uterine epithelium

11        ut2, uterine epithelium

12        ut1, uterine epithelium

13        ut1, uterine epithelium

14        utseR

15        um1R, uterine muscle

16        utseL

17        um1R, uterine muscle

18        uv1L, interfacial epithelium

19        uv1R, interfacial epithelium

20        uv 3R, interfacial epithelium

21        du R, central dorsal cap

22        uv 2R, interfacial epithelium

23        du L, central dorsal cap

24        uv3L, interfacial epithelium

25        uv2L, interfacial epithelium

26        du R, central dorsal cap                                   

27        uv 2R, interfacial epithelium

28        du L, central dorsal cap

29        uv 3R, interfacial epithelium

30        uv 3L, interfacial epithelium

31        uv 2L, interfacial epithelium

32        uv1L, interfacial epithelium

33        uv1R, interfacial epithelium

34        utseR

35        ut1, uterine epithelium

36        um1R, uterine muscle

37        um1L, uterine muscle

38        ut1, uterine epithelium

39        ut2, uterine epithelium

40        um1R, uterine muscle

41        ut1R, uterine epithelium

42        utseR   

43        ut1, uterine epithelium

44        um2R, uterine muscle

45        ut2, uterine epithelium   [prints 160-195]

46        ut2, uterine epithelium   [prints 160-195]

47        ut2, uterine epithelium   [prints 160-195]

48        utseL

49        um2R, uterine muscle

50        um1L, uterine muscle

51        um2L, uterine muscle

52        ut3, uterine epithelium   [prints 200-225]

53        um2L, uterine muscle

54        ut3, uterine epithelium   [prints 200-225]

55        ut3, uterine epithelium   [prints 200-225]

56        ut3, uterine epithelium   [prints 200-225]

57        ut3, uterine epithelium                           [see prints -20 to -20]

58        ut4, uterine epithelium                           [see prints -40 to -20]

59        ut4, uterine epithelium                           [see prints -40 to -20]

60        ut4, uterine epithelium                           [see prints -40 to -20]

61        ut4, uterine epithelium                           [see prints -40 to -20]

62        ut4, uterine epithelium   [prints 230-270]

63        ut4, uterine epithelium   [prints 230-270]

64        ut4, uterine epithelium   [prints 230-270]

65        ut4, uterine epithelium   [prints 230-270]

66        ut4, uterine epithelium   [prints 230-270]

67        ut4, uterine epithelium   [prints 230-270]

68        sujn, valve cell              [prints 270-305]

69        sujc, core cell                           [prints 270-305]

70        sujn, valve cell              [prints 270-305]

71        sujn, valve cell              [prints 270-305]

72        sujc, core cell                           [prints 270-305]

73        sujn, valve cell              [prints 270-305]

74        spermatheca

75        spermatheca

76        spermatheca

77        spermatheca

78        spermatheca

79        spermatheca

80        spermatheca

81        spermatheca

82                spermatheca

83                spermatheca



1 - 45  immature germ cells (spermatocytes)  [see prints 341-521]


Somatic Gonad                       [see prints 341-521]

A         gonad sheath, pair 4

B          gonad sheath, pair 4

C         gonad sheath, pair 5